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The Family of Portrait 肖 像 的 家 庭


Photo Installation (Images, text and objects)

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After the death of grandma, our family suffered from a great change. I found myself fail to cope with those familial conflicts, which includes my consciousness towards the worse relationship between my family members. As a result, the mode of living for our family was changed. At the same time, I felt puzzled that this situation was totally opposite to grandma’s wish on us --- She had longed for a harmonious family. I started to recompose portraits of my family members taken in different places and time. By using darkroom technique, I rearranged the images to be the compounds of disposed experience in reality. I could fulfill grandma’s wish in such an act. During the creative process, I imagined that all of my family members were at similar ages, who had become friends with no blood relation.

自嫲嫲離世後,我的家庭產生了巨大變化。我無法理解自身處境,包括家人關係日趨惡劣所帶來居住模式的轉變,同時想到這狀況與嫲嫲生前所憧憬的家庭和諧極其對立— 她一定不想看到這個變化。我開始剪輯家人們在不同時間及地點拍下的肖像照,並利用黑房技術把不同年紀的我們拼合在一起,希望的影像把現實中的離散經驗修復,讓我們在嫲嫲腦中的完整回憶再現。創作過程中,我幻想所有家人在相近年紀相遇,成為沒有血緣關係的好友。

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